So you’ve had the baby… Now what? Are you free at last? Not quite, but we put together some symptoms to look out for, so you can have full expectations of your after-birth journey.
What to expect within the first few weeks of birth:
- Pressing on the uterus after birth. The hospital do this along with taking vitals after the baby is born. (First time is rough, but afterwards it’s not so bad)
- Cramping with nursing (aka after birth pains, similar to period cramps) They will go away in a few days when uterus shrinks down to normal size. The more kids you have, the harder they are. Oh, joy!
- Extreme fatigue
- Sore nipples. It happens a few days after you’ve started nursing. Soreness will go away after a week or so
- Your milk starts coming in around 3 days after birth
- Your boobs will double in size when milk comes in (Hey, kinda nice!)
- Your milk will leak when sleeping, showering, and hearing the baby cry. Your boobs will get on a feeding schedule for how often you feed
Did you know about these symptoms? Was this super helpful? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and share your story with us @ModernMOMies!