You’ve heard about how amazing and beneficial breastmilk is. But literally HOW is it made?? And did you know there are MULTIPLE different stages? It’s crazy; let’s get into it.

Stage One: Colostrum


  • Colostrum is your “breastmilk” that starts developing around your third trimester. It’s a yellow, thick, and sticky milk.
  • It’s super easy for your baby to digest! It is has the same nutrients as the later stages of breastmilk, except the amount of the ingredients varies. It is purposely formed to specifically fit the needs of a newborn baby.
  • Colostrum is super high in antibodies and white blood cells. It’s sooo important for your baby’s digestive system, and protects them from infections!
  • You can start extracting your colostrum while you're still pregnant, and save it in the freezer for when your baby’s born. You can get an extractor here:


Stage Two: Transitional Milk


  • After a few days of your baby being born, your colostrum is replaced with transitional milk. The color slowly changes from yellow, to white.
  • Transitional milk is creamy, and has super high level of proteins, vitamins, fat and lactose. As your breast start to stimulate, you might feel fuller and firmer.
  • If you’re feeling weird, regular feeding will ease your discomfort.
  • MOMie milk jugs: INCOMING!!!


Stage Three: Mature Milk


  • After a few weeks of your baby being born, your milk will start to replace the transitional milk with mature milk.
  • It’s lighter in color, and the composition can change from day to day, and along with different feedings.
  • Mature milk detects what your baby needs, and will literally change the level of nutrients to fit the needs of your baby!
  • For example, Say your baby isn’t feeling great, your body will naturally make antibiotics that will help fight their cold! As your baby grows, the composition of the milk changes with their growth. SO COOL.


Wow, we are such fabulous creatures! Did you know this about breastmilk? Did you learn something new? Let us know on our social medias! You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok at: @ModernMOMies

Don’t forget your colostrum extractor! Get it here:

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