It’s getting close! You’re 9 months pregnant and you’re feeling things. We’ve compiled a list of what happens during your birth journey, so you know exactly what to expect.
Natural birth:
- Contractions. You’ll literally feel your whole body contract, and then release itself
- Pressure starting at the top of your uterus, and working it’s way down
- If you’re contractions are consistent and you’re dilated enough, you’ll be admitted
- After you’re admitted, the hospital will move to you the birthing room
- The IV will be hooked up, they’ll check your blood pressure, and monitor hooked up to keep an eye on the baby’s heartbeat and your contractions
- The nurse will check your cervix periodically for dilation
- When you’re fully dilated and 100% enfaced, sit back and buckle up. The show is about to start!
- Contractions shouldn’t really hurt while pushing
- The ring of fire is referred to when the baby is crowning. Catchy!
- After the baby is born and cleaned up, you’ll deliver the placenta. Again, not really painful
- Baby will have skin to skin contact
- The cord will be cut and the baby will be checked for their weight, length, and to make sure they are breathing correctly
- Dr. will check you to see if you need stitches
- Nurse will help you use the bathroom for the first time. NO wiping!
Did you learn something new? Have you given birth before? Was this super helpful? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and share your story with us @ModernMOMies!